Wednesday, June 18

Frustration Doubled

The main reason that not much has been posted here (other than being exhausted or unable to access the internet conveniently) has been the inability to easily reduce the size of the photos for uploading. I imagine that there is some method of doing so on a mac but I have yet to discover it. Thus far, the only way I've found is to email the photos to myself, download them to the computer and then upload them to blogger - a time consuming process when it does work, which it usually hasn't. The problem with that is that every other time I attempt to email something, I'm told that the outgoing mail server is "(offline) " Well, it isn't but the computer is convinced it is, and the only work around that is to delete all the server information and recreate the account. If anyone has any ideas how to avoid all this, I'm all ears. Right now, I'm just tired.


Hector Owen said...

I am loving these photos. Makes me want to go there myself, back, again, and take more time with it. What you said about massaging the photos made me think of IrfanView, but that's only available for Windows; looking for IrfanView for Mac gave me GraphicConverter; could this be what you are looking for? Thanks again for the pix.

Randy said...

Hi Hector! Thanks for the tip (and for dropping in). I'll check that out. After posting this, I did figure out how to use Apple's iPhoto to export the photos, thus eliminating quite a few steps, but the editing function isn't nearly as convenient as the freebie MS Picture Editor. If I had more time, I might actually say something interesting but, as it is, getting the photos up is about all I can manage.

nina said...

I am so sympathetic. Loading pictures for me at the time of travel means 1. downloading them to my computer, loading them into photoshop, then loading them onto the Net via flickr, then moving them from flickr to blogger. Each is not hard, but it takes time!

Still, we soooo appreciate your efforts!

Stefanaccio said...

Excellent photos. Would like to see more.